
Purnell Media Solutions (Purnell Promotions) A+ rating company with the Better Business Bureau

Welcome and thank you for visiting Purnell Media Solutions. A local digital marketing business located in Orlando, Fl. Home of Walt Disney World, Universal Studios, and Sea World Parks. We are in the heart of Orlando, just minutes away from downtown Orlando. Looking for online and offline marketing solutions for your product or service? Purnell Media Solutions, specializes in social media marketing solutions, targeting the masses of highly geo targeted traffic for your business. Whether you're a new business or a veteran our social media strategists will implement simple affordable solutions, putting your product or service in the eyes of your potential clients. With the marketplace changing on a daily basis, and rapidly, along with the endless competition, that's where we come in. We will come up with a social media marketing strategy for your specific needs. We can target anywhere around the globe too get you the maximum exposure for your business. We work with medium sized corporations, too small businesses. No matter the business, we specialize specifically in social media organic traffic solutions. Take advantage of the exposure you deserve.

Continue too read below and learn more in detail about our simple social media and search engine optimization solutions. Check out our blog, and follow us. We keep our blog up too date, not only keeping you in the loop in regards too our company. We are always educating our clients on financial planning, and credit repair, along with educating you on how too continually grow your business. We write quality articles, from budgeting personal and business finances, too marketing resources for business in addition too what we can offer you. Enjoy high quality solutions from social media strategists, and search engine optimization veterans, Learn social media small business tips. With over 14 years of experience in the industry and growing. We look forward too meeting and growing business relationships with you, putting your business in the eyes of millions.

If you ever have questions or concerns about anything client support is available through our live chat and email 24/7. All replies are instant as we like too keep up with our clients. Look no more for online marketing solutions. It's competitive, We know a lot of companies will give you the runaround. We are here not only too build your business, most importantly to build long term relationships with our clients. Check our online store and learn more about the solutions we have readily available for your business. Our social media solutions include massive social media organic followers, meaning they are ready too learn what you have too offer. Let us expose implement social media for your small or medium business. We thank you for your time and look forward too serving you.

Benefits Of Social Media Digital Marketing

Why do you need social media marketing for your business? In this digital age we live in, the way we connect with our friends and family is through digital outlets. Mainly Facebook as the leaderboard. We all have a story too tell, showing off wedding photos. A new exercise program. New house. Job promotion. It's all presented through social media platforms. So what does this mean for my business? Well, it's simple. While these people are on social media connecting with family and friends, they are also in the eyes of many products and services. Meaning there are millions of people on these platforms, Instagram, stumble upon, Twitter, potentially seeking what you have too offer. Why not social media marketing for your business? It's the fastest way too reach your new potential along with getting the word out about what your business can do for them. You'll be missing out on a lot of traffic, without social media. With the challenges we are presently faced with, don't you think your business can use that extra exposure? Couldn't hurt right?' The many benefits of social media marketing for business and having a social media presence are limitless.

purnell promotions social media for business

  • Establish trust with your customers through social media 
  • Build your business credibility 
  • Enhance business brand image 
  • Business brand recognition
  • Grow established long term customer relationships
  • Build brand loyalty
  • Inspire customer purchase decisions
  • Actually reach people genuinely interested in your brand 
  • Increase website traffic and loyalty
  • Boost customer engagement and word of mouth
  • Extremely affordable marketing solutions
  • Geo targeting and advance targeting too reach your local customers
  • Identify and target specific customers per your needs
  • Increased email subscribers and sales growth 
  • Repeat established customers
  • Promote incentives too drive quality results 
  • Boost search engine rankings 
  • Increase social shares and back links too your website
  • Educated your clients keeping them engaged
  • Viral your business products and services 
  • Increase traffic too your blog
  • Engage customers at your business events 
  • Customers are checking out your brands on social media 
  • Customers are searching for your products on social media 
  • People are talking about your business on social media 
  • Real time customer engagement 
  • Save money decrease marketing costs 
  • Stand out from the competition
  • A richer client experience 
  • Reduce your staff save time and money 

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Your business needs a social media presence. This is the way of the world and the quickest most effective way too continually reach your desired audiences. The beauty of social media in general it is not recession proof and will continue too thrive your business for years too come. Get started today with our in house, high quality organic social media followers getting your business exposed instantly in our growing networks. Don't miss out on the traffic. Boost your visibility and rankings today.

Flyer Distribution Business Solutions

Fellow business owners, if you think flyer marketing or any type of postcard marketing is a thing of the past, think again. In fact, our flyer distribution business solutions are one of the most popular and fastest growing services that we offer too our clients and t extremely low pricing. We can distribute up too 500 flyers in only highly traffic areas where there's thousands and thousands of people. With our geo verified technology, no matter where your business is in the united states. We have brand ambassadors in your area and specifically target the masses in your area. With our large team of flyer distribution experts, get ready too enjoy instant traffic to your website, product, or service. Ready for an instant boost in your business traffic? We will get you the customers.

We cater too any medium and small business around the state of Florida. We also distribute flyers for any business in the US. We only market in the most highly targeted traffic spots in your specified regions too reach your customers almost instantly. Our most popular distribution area is Florida State. It's perfect for any business type. Flyer distribution can be a very effective tool for your business. It gets your product in front of thousands of potential people. We offer some of the most affordable packages for your needs. Pricing ranges from 100 up too 350, up too 500 flyers. For more information on this exclusive service, contact us, schedule an appointment for a consultation, or visit our store for more details. Our flyer packages come in basic, standard, and premium. Get started today, and let us take care of the rest once we consult with you.

If you think a second flyer distribution is a thing of the past, think again. Flyer distribution is one of the fastest and most effective ways too market your business of any kind. It's instant foot traffic and people can paint the picture in their mind right away or take a picture of it with their phone so they don't forget. As an end result your marketing efforts will continue too viral from word of mouth. The sky is the limit. This is one of our most popular marketing solutions, as many of our clients have had great success with getting their business out there. So what are you waiting for? Schedule a consultation with us, and let us provide a simple affordable solution too get your business out too the masses.

Qr Scan Code Business Solutions

Ever thought about using a QR scan code for your business needs? QR scan codes are definitely a great way too keep plugged into your clients, too keep them in the loop quickly, informing them of the latest special offers, contests, and whatever you have too offer them. So what exactly is a QR scan code? QR stands abbreviated for a quick response and can be instantly read by a cell phone. QR codes are used for taking a simple piece of information from transitory media and putting it into your cell phone. The benefit too having a QR scan code for your business? A convenient way too access products and services from our smartphones for special offers, and deals from many different businesses. A must have nowadays especially with us living in a digital world. It's very simple and easy too implement. Your customers will love the convenience.

While there are many generator apps out there, we can create a custom one for you for pennies. Our turnaround time is 2 days for completion. Simple and effective solutions we have available. We have an array of options for you too choose from. You can use your QR scan codes on anything. Your website, blog, calendars for company happenings, payroll time sheet tracking, inventory, coupons, products, and services. All businesses can greatly benefit from the power of their own QR code. Increase your sales revenue today, along with keeping your team productive. Let us create a professional QR scan code for your brand.

Search Engine Optimization Solutions

I'm sure you hear a lot about search engine optimization around the web. But do you truly know what search engine optimization is and how important it is too rank in the search engines? This is where your business will have the advantage over your competitors. A lot of businesses don't want too take the time too craft great high quality content. While PPC ads and retargeting are a great way too get your business in the front of the eyes of your potential clients, it comes with a major price tag. Especially, if it's a very competitive keyword. You can be buried under a ton of ads, without actually having to click through traffic. The downside is no guarantee of conversions. Well, I'm here too tell you now that content is king. With great content and high quality backlinks too your website is just only the beginning. And with high quality original content, you'll get that guarantee, of organic quality traffic,  along with a higher chance of gaining new customers through organic search traffic.

Of course, Google has the leaderboard in search engine traffic. There are thousands of search engines worldwide, in addition too Google. Crafting unique content will eventually get you crawled in other search engines, ranking against your competition, and increasing not only your brand awareness but your domain authority and page rank. Our social media strategists and search experts will help you on your journey too ranking in the top ten. We specialize in link building. directory submission, blog content creation, web design, and search engine optimization maintenance of your website. Results won't happen overnight as it's a gradual process of gaining manual backlinks too your specific keywords along with ranking those keywords against your competition. Let us grow your search engine presence locally and globally. Be sure too schedule an appointment with us too discuss your specific needs. Let us rank your website in not just Google but other search engines around the world. Let us help you establish a quality SEO presence. We are up too date on the latest search engine algorithms. We will come up with a strategy too rank your website.

Social Media Marketing Exposure

Is your website or business on Facebook or Instagram? Want another traffic source? We can put your business one time or recurring monthly at the top of our high traffic Facebook and Instagram followers. All of our in house followers are organic followers that we've built in our network over the last 14 years and growing by the day. They are all active organic followers in our network. The longer you let us market too the masses, the long term benefit it will have for your product or service. Ready for more traffic? We can put your business in front of 205k organic Instagram followers in our network, and 12,000 Facebook followers. Our followers are very active in the community.

With the situation that's going on in the world today, people are at home on social media. They have nothing but time now. All the more reason too get your business in front of them. We offer a variety of marketing solutions, from basic too premium. Our basic service will get your business posted 12 times and our marketing runs every 2 minutes twice an hour and is always refreshed. Our standard package gets you posted 24 times being refreshed, and our premium package gets you the maximum exposure of 36 posts. Our turnaround time for our social media marketing posts is 2 days or less. Get the maximum traffic for your business today. The other advantage of having social media exposure from this service is that it results in a quality backlink from a quality traffic source, in return ranking your website to the top of the search engines.

Financial Planning And Credit Repair Solutions

In addition, too our social media marketing solutions, and search engine optimization, check out our e book library. We have many affordable guides and great reads not just for your business lifestyle but also for your personal life and family. With these economic changes currently affecting all of us indefinitely, it's more important than ever too take control of our financial future, and the future of our loved ones. We have many financial resources, including our latest book that's been our top seller, Credit Secrets. We've learned a lot from this book personally utilizing a lot of the tools too help repair our credit and budget our finances better. You're going too learn how too build your credit. How too remove hard inquiries. Steps too reporting them too the credit bureaus. A lot of people don't realize the amount of errors and I'm talking millions of errors in consumer credit reports. A lot of services that charge money too view your credit scores are also not always accurate, as I've personally run into this. Credit reports are being reported incorrectly all the time by date, name, status, age, address and so much more. Our resources will help you overcome these financial burdens giving you higher credit scores, and better opportunities for any type of credit cards, personal loans, houses, and more.